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Thank you Mrs. Chertock,

I want to thank you for all the unconditional support you have for me and how you could talk to me and help me navigate certain situations that were challenging for me. Your guidance has helped me so much and just the jokes and good times I had in your classroom overall made my junior year a more positive and memorable experience. I will never forget your classroom and all the conversations we had, including the conversations we had about our Kansas field trip to visit the Clutter house. I hope all is well with you and your family and that you guys are safe and supported in all the ways necessary for you and your family. Thank you for being apart of my strong support system and helping me feel like I could succeed in school and outside of it, thank you for everything you have done for me it has been a blessing to have been able to be in your classroom. I will miss you and your sister in time when it is my turn to graduate. Once again thank you for all your help and contribution to my success; I wouldn't have been able to have the mindset I have now and will continue to have if it wasn't for our talks together. Take care.


Andy Viera

For the first picture, I took a portrait picture of my friend this is one of my favorites because aside from the professional perspective that may claim this portrait as weak because of the clutter background; the background actually contributes to my subjects life as a thriving AP student who works hard after hours to make sure she accomplishes the goals she aspires to achieve. The second picture is of my friend who decided to do an alter ego photo shoot with me, I like this picture a lot because I feel as if the background of this pictures meshes well with what her alter ego was (which was a studious man). The third photo was of the fall festival, this is one of my favorites because it captured the audiences feel of the performances throughout the production because they were all excited to see their friends preform. The last picture I took was for the composition assignment, it is one of my favorites because I believe it captures the rule of thirds seamlessly.

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